Located in Riverside CA GOOD MUSIC, INC.



Rolling Stones has compiled the top 10 albums of the 90's by vote of the general public. Featured on the list are bands of the likes of Nirvana and Radiohead. They've selected one music video per album with a small history of the band, so if you're interested in some 90's 101 check it out. Here's an excerpt of page one, album #1.

1. Nirvana - 'Nevermind'

Last weekend we asked our readers to name their favorite album of the Nineties. The votes are tabulated and here are the top 10, with videos of standouts from each album.

Nobody should be surprised that Nirvana's Nevermind was the clear winner. Released in September of 1991, it famously knocked Michael Jackson's Dangerous off the top of the charts and sent shockwaves through the industry. Its effect has been slightly exaggerated over the years, but it did send label executives scurrying to sign soundalikes. Nirvana would only release one more studio album, 1993's In Utero, before Kurt Cobain's suicide ended the group.

By Andy Greene




Thom York's just one of those guys who need no explaining.



Fresh new sounds by Shlohmo. The first thing I have to say is, great production. Sc=hlohmo breaks new grounds, incorporating organic sounds, organic meaning by physically doing something, you create. (like strumming a guitar, singing, etc). All the guitar, bass, and vocals are him. I am impressed. Song will be featured in his "BAD VIBES" LP that's dropping soon.


FORGOT I WAS HERE (amazing post rock-esque track)



Glassjaw have a new EP out called the Colouring Book Ep. I'm just starting to feel the regrets of missing the show at the Glass House maybe a month ago. Who said rock's dead?

Vanilla Poltergeist Snake

Daytona White

Miracles in Inches (epic ending)


R120k by Rigly Chang

R120k (short.) by rigly chang

Unreal combo of grit and orderly chaos.


Nosaj Thing - 1685/Bach

Nosaj displays skills worthy of a sound architect on this one. Multi-dimensional, multi-textural, multi-awesome.



Shane and I call this chord sequence “T-formation” due to the shape it makes when you play the power chords on the guitar. We’ve been using the T-formation since we were in 6th Grade.

I have written hundreds of songs using this sequence, the technical name being the I-V-vi-IV progression apparently.

When songwriting’s concerned I have a really short memory. I can’t remember how to play a lot of the songs I’ve written in the past and so I’m sure I use the same chord progressions frequently, but luckily, I don’t get self conscience about the chords I’m playing.

Trying to write music for people that have a high degree of knowledge about music theory is a fools game. And generally, they’re such snooty people, they don’t like good music anyway. Just cerebral, heady trash.

A quote from this video’s youtube page.

Well you know what “theguyi26?” I’m one of those people that don’t like your stupid, weird, crappy progressions that have been used just as many times by loser musicians that play loud Santana solos on Paul Reed Smith guitars at Guitar Center while their girlfriend stands 3 meters off to the side waiting to leave, wondering why her boyfriend’s playing a guitar when he specifically told her that they’d just be going in to get guitar strings, Meanwhile all she wants to do is spend her Sunday walking through open houses and shopping at forever 21.

I know your story “theguyi26,” you’re progressions aren’t original either, they’re just mathematically inferior.

Source: Catch Camera
